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There are a few drawbacks. First, because cherry is a bit gummy it can burn, but if your tools are sharp, it shouldn’t be too bad just run the board through the machining process at a consistent rate. Also, remember to use new sandpaper, dull sandpaper can burnish the surface (Jewitt 47). Second, cherry can be a bit splotchy especially with liquid stains which I never use on cherry, but some woodworkers trying to get the aged look immediately turn to stains. If you properly prepare cherry for finish it will take a clear finish with minimal issues. Just sand it thoroughly through the grits with a random orbit sand to 180 then to 220 by hand brushing off the workpiece between grits. A seal coat of shellac helps with any absorbent spots, especially if it is a thin coat (see my blog post on using shellac). Finally, the cost can be a bit of a deterrent if you’re on a budget. Cherry is pretty pricey compared to other hardwoods, but if you have the means it is worth every penny.
Cherry starts with a light flesh-pink heartwood that darkens to a brilliant red as it ages. As Jeff Jewitt, explains, “…no matter what finish you put on cherry, it will continue to darken all by itself, getting better looking with each passing day. The more it's exposed to light, the faster that will happen” (Jewett 49). If you haven’t tried cherry yet you should check it out.
Works Cited
“Cherry: Top-Notch Results.” Woodsmith Vol 35/No.209 Oct 2013. 8-9.
Arno, Jon. “Cherry: A Rose among Woods.” Fine Woodworking #66 Sept/Oct 1987. 64-66.
Jewitt, Jeff. “Finish Cherry…” Fine Woodworking #130 May/June 1998. 46-49.