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Also, I would recommend watching some of the best woodworkers on YouTube. First, I recommend the Wood Whisperer https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKp44bWWZIiOPShPN_ytShw;
Marc Spagnolo is an exceptional woodworker and a perfectionist in every project. He is very advanced, but his skills are a joy to watch and learn. Steve Ramsey on his channel Woodworking for Mere Mortals
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBB7sYb14uBtk8UqSQYc9-w provides some basic and creative projects for beginning woodworkers. Finally, James Hamilton’s channel, Stumpy Nubs’s
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCstwpLSByklww1YojZN-KiQ provides great tips and jigs for any skill level. There are many other woodworking channels, but these provide a good starting point. And last but not least, purchase a subscription to Woodsmith magazine http://www.woodsmith.com/. It is worth every penny. Then order the DVDs of the Woodsmith Shop television shows http://www.woodsmith.com/woodsmith-shop-dvds.php. They provide detailed demonstrations of techniques and finished projects. Included with the DVDs are a complete set of thorough plans for every project on the show. They usually have a deal to get several seasons for a reduced price.
If you don’t have any of these tools, and you have to buy everything new it will cost about $1,000.00 to get completely set up, but watch for used tools to save some money. Just make sure you are getting a good deal and not someone’s piece of junk. Also, I’ve provided links to the tools I’ve listed, and I selected what I believe to be the best quality tools for the price. In many cases, there are higher quality tools that are very expensive. You may want to consider these precision tools later as you advance in the craft. I can guarantee if you invest in a few good quality tools it will be worth it, and you’ll be improving your skills daily.
If you have a home store near you, everything can be purchased in one trip. If not, the Amazon links I’ve provided will get you the tools you need.
Get your build on!