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Before he arrived I got up crazy early to get everything out of the shop so he could get around. What I discovered is that I'm a wood hoarder – I have a really hard time throwing away a piece of wood. I do sometimes make small projects, and I always think I better keep that piece cause I could use it for something. Right – never happens. I had a driveway full of wood – perhaps that's why I had no work space. While he was running lines I began building a wood storage rack. It took me nearly all day to do that small project, but it was hard to get to tools in the hot sun in the driveway. After about 7 hours of working he called me out to the shop and he turned on the seven new quad lights he had installed. I thought it was a Griswold Christmas in my garage. It was amazing – there goes my excuse for errors in my projects. I spent the rest of the evening moving back in the garage and by 8 pm I was fried, dehydrated, sore, filthy, and the happiest woodworker on the face of the earth. How is that a long, hot, dirty day in the shop is always better than an easy day in the air conditioned office? It must be the good old blue-collar blood in my veins.