Tuesday, October 22, 2024
25 October 2013

25 Oct 2013 Outdoor Furniture

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I've since replaced the miter saw and acquired three more routers -- but at the time that was all I needed to build the bench. Two days later I had a beautiful bench. My friends praised my skills, and it worked out great. I later adapted the pattern into chairs and created a small matching tea table. I still sit on that bench today. What's more, I've built about a million more of them (more like 25 or so) – chairs, tables, and benches. I have to admit I don't love building them, but people pay good money for the simple and easy to build outdoor furniture. All that redwood furniture has allowed me to put up a shed in my back yard for storage. It paid for electrical upgrades and a new table saw. I sure could use a new band saw and a bigger jointer so bring on the outdoor furniture! Even a bad day in the woodshop is better than a 100 great day in an office!

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