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“Frog Shop Make-Over” Heat & Insulation.
I haven't included a shop make-over update for quite some time. It's primarily because I've been building a lot of projects, and I haven't had time to do much in the way of upgrades. However, I did accomplish a couple little things for the winter. First about three months ago, I added an IR heater. I had to have a circuit run just for the heater because it pulls a lot of electricity, but it's nice to have it on a switch so I don't have to plug it in separately every time I need to use it. I was pretty excited about it when I first put it in. It hadn't gotten too cold outside yet. It worked great taking the morning chill off, but now it's not quite as effective. The twenty degree mornings are a little too much for it. I probably need at least one more for it to be really effective in my two-car-garage shop. It did help out though when my son and I put one inch thick foam insulation on the garage doors. It is not the prettiest feature in the shop, but it helps immensely. I haven't officially measured the temperature inside, but I can feel the difference inside the garage and outside.